
Erämys Keisarinkosket LAAWU

The scenery of the Kymijoki wilderness alone, along with the peace of the river’s natural environment and the sound of the rapids guarantee an unforgettable travel experience. When these gorgeous views are combined with rafting and dining by the fire, you’re sure to spend a day you won’t forget. Rafting and river cruises are organised from April to December. At Erämys Keisarin Kosket you can have sauna by the river, stay the night in a cottage or a LAAWU hut with a full view to the river. Take a dip in the river and enjoy sauna with gorgeous views to the roaring rapids. Fishing, yoga, kayaking, trekking, skiing or snowshoeing – all the best nature activities can be enjoyed at Erämys Keisarin Kosket.

Where in Finland ?
Suitable experience all year

Visit Kotka-Hamina

Kultaanranta 124, 46930 Kotka
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